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Behind the open window
2023 - ongoing
A daughter's glimpse into her mother's world.
A 'huis-clos' in the intimacy of her home, getting to know each other again and (re-)discovering their family history.
"This photographic series is part of a long term project documenting my mother and our relationship. I started this project as a pretext to strengthen and deepen our relationship, beyond the march of time, the kilometers between us, mother-daughter expectations, and cultural differences. I am genuinely curious about my mother's journey and the choices she made as a woman, and I am looking for a way to stand up to her as the woman I have become, with my own ideas and aspirations."
While this project is very intimate, it is also very universal, offering a perspective on the beautiful complexity of the mother daughter bond.
Merci maman, de m’avoir ouvert les portes de ton jardin secret. Je m’y aventurerais avec délicatesse...
(dit l'éléphant dans le cabinet de porcelaine).
Installation views during expo ZIEN at Quartair, the Hague, NL. Summer 2023